OK OK… you’re over it. I know. So am I. But the whole dumping ice cold water over our heads thing got me thinking about why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge campaign was started in the first place: To raise awareness. It also inspired me to focus even more on my health and to appreciate it to the fullest. So, friends, here is my challenge to YOU:
Don’t take your health for granted. Are you up for the task? Like I said, just take the first step. Don’t get so overwhelmed with all of the changes you need to make that you don’t do anything at all. After all, perfection is paralyzing, remember? Focus on one thing…one small change you can start working on now and keep building from there.
Recently I’ve been focusing on primarily eating for nutrition, instead of “what I’m in the mood for.” It’s not always easy, but it feels really good and it makes my treat meals seem even more like a treat. (As it turns out, eating French toast three mornings in a row is not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be.)
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Kimberly Snyder is a celebrity nutritionist who invented this green monster, which is what I’ve been consuming for breakfast or lunch a few times a week. I can’t say that it tastes like a milkshake, but it is refreshing and my insides just feel cleaner after consumption. (Plus, hello it does wonders for digestion!) Here you can find the entire Glowing Green Smoothie recipe, but if you’re lazy like me and don’t follow recipes to a T, here’s the short version:
Organic apple, organic pear, frozen banana, 2 romaine hearts, 2 stalks organic celery, handful of spinach, ice, juice from a lemon + 1 cup of water to get everything movin’.
If you have a hard time fitting all of these ingredients into your blender, blended up as many as you can first until it’s a liquid and then dump everything else in and finish blending. Oh, and yes, organic produce can be a pricy, but I typically only buy organic based on the Dirty Dozen list. Plus, if you shop at Trader Joe’s like I do, it’s much more affordable.
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Oh but don’t worry, I’m still drinking smoothies that taste like milkshakes. You can find the recipe for this delicious creation on my Instagram page @wannabehealthnut.
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AaaaandI’m still going out to delicious brunches on the weekend. I love brunch because it is fairly easy to make a healthy choice that is also tasty. Here we have soft scrambled eggs served into a bell pepper. Genius. I’m going to copy that idea the next time I serve brunch at home. Oh, and the biscuit was delicious. I ate half.
Happy Monday everyone – make it a healthy one!